Free Dialogue/问对语羲
Q52,Marxism can eliminate world poverty.
A52,That is the magic many liars tend to advertise to their victims.
No ism can save a self destructive person, therefor, poverty is there to some degree. And life is more about happiness and satisfaction than the ownership of property, I may choose to live alone in the wild with few assets, that dose not mean I am living a "poor" life.
Q49,There has never been a war between two genuine democracies.
A49,I would like to change the topic into "the degree of democracy will reduce the chance of war between two countries".
Q47,If we are to use a sensible interpretation of Genesis, sin was introduced as
knowledge of sin. By becoming sentient, man acquired moral distinction, and
thus, the concept of sin. This implyes that animals are without sin (assuming
they are not sentient, an assumption that can certainly be debated, for a number
of species), because, althought they may perform acts that are regarded as
sinful by humans, they are unaware, and thus blameless.
A47,A microscope help you see the virus, but the virus exits before you have that microscope. The same is true as knowledge.
Q46,how can a perfect God create an imperfect species?
A46,Perfect? Another god? Will God create a competitor for himself?
Q45,Why did god create man with so many sins? And if it is a sin itself to create so many sin-carriers. Does an animal have any sin? Can he just make some original-sin-free being or sin-capacity-free person? Did he create the hell too? God created very few adults and it is not good for evolution because the dna basis is very slim. More morally disturbing is that brothers have to have intercourse with blood sisters to reproduce.
A45,What kind of people believe in the same kind of faith. Logical people can have logical faith. Extreme is sin. God makes it this way, but human take it to the extreme.
Q39,"asians are sadistic horrible people. "
A39,Not every one is the same and that is racial bias.
But the bad guys are ruling the the societies there and because of the bad government that encourage such
abusive society to keep a few in power, so the only solution to this is a
restoration of human values in the government.
I think the world will finally appreciate what the US is doing in the ME despite
of the present resistance.
Q38,Can we judge people morally right or wrong?
A38,I would replace the word "right" with
There is fuzzy area between the two and also black/white areas where you can
tell correct from incorrect. When one goes against another, we should go upper
level, a system that includes both, not by side.
Q37,Will a fool realize and accept that he is a fool?
A37,It is relative. A man can be a fool or non-fool at the same time depending on what reference you are using. When I look back, I see myself a fool most of the time but I never realize I was a fool at the moment. An objective reference is more important in judging. If you think you are a fool and do nothing about it, then you are a fool really.
Q36,"when I farted, did I fart God? When I flushed the toilet, was I flushing God?"
A36,The list can go on and on in that direction. But I
think this is a good question.
That is in what way we are related to god.
Through and by some agent we don't know?
It is like to ask why the world should work in a consistent set of rules, who is
responsible to make the rules valid?
We just don't know how god works his way through us.
god know what he was doing when he set off the big bang?
Is god moral in doing so?
A35,There is a possibility that god is mis-represented by some one and we need find a true one.
God define the rules, but the question is how he
impose them?
Does god abide to the rules he gave the universe?
Do humans understand god rules?
Does human morality is the same with the god morality?
In humans eye or morality if god is moral or not.
Q34,Does reality exist or it exist only in the consciousness of the observer?
A34,I don't think consciousness is totally free in creation of reality in it. Reality must have some influence on the process of creating. The parallel of reality in the consciousness is conditioned by both the reality and the conditions of the observer.
A moment ago I did not understand a problem, now I do, Am I different?
Q33,Shall we pursuit understanding?
A33,Being understood or understanding are quite different subjects. Talented often get the later and miss the former. Attempting both may derive mental problems. Because you are expecting understanding when expressing yourself.
A31,质是天生的,而形是后天的, 意识也非完全形之上,而是形与质共存的。人与人的质有很大的类似,但意识的形的修炼结果,却是因人而异。或者说不同的人有不同的心,虽然,看上去的物质结构是相似的。如同石头和宝石的不同,宝石有灵性,而普通石头没有。
Q30,What is truth?
A30,Truth means there exists a repeatedly confirmed and only parallel between the metaphysical and physical.
Q29,What is relationship between a mathematical model and a physical model?
A29,mathematical model =\=physical model and perception=\=reality.
because the building materials are different. The mathematical model is the parallel of the physical model.
Q28,Can we prove the objective reality exists, or everything is just an illusion?
A28,The question is not if there is a way of proving, The question is what way is the acceptable way of proving. Some theory mixes perception of a perceiver with the perceived, that is why everything becomes illusionary.
Q27,Should we answer "silly" questions?
A27,Zeno'paradoxes are silly, they are against every body's experience. That dose not mean you can answer the "silly" questions. Maybe I should say there are far more silly answers than silly questions.
Q26,Should we re-think all the age-old philosophical question?
A26,Thinking is always a good exercise of brains. And I also believe the new-comers are more clever to answer an old question. Just like we can understand the world better than the stone-age elders.
Q25,I wonder what it look like in a real bat's eyes.
A25,like what we see? I mean the picture of nature on a bat's mind. It will be so wonderful if a bat can draw a picture so we can compare. A computer simulation of the mind of animals may be an interesting subject.
Lots of animals are not using light as the media to perceive
the nature. They may have no idea if there is such a thing as light.
If they had the intelligence, would they develop the same physics science with
To the deep sea creatures, there is no such things like universe. Wish we were not deep under some thing.
Q24,Is it ok to commit an "evil" act on an "evil" person?
A24,It is ok for an "evil" person to think that way. But there are sure better ways to fight "evil" than being an "evil". We fight the first "evil" and end up with a second, what is the point of fighting it in the first place?
A22,这种结论过于极端,实际是两者都有.事实上,最可靠的因果关系就是凭借两者而不是单一的某个 .而且在过程上也是难以分开的,是互动循环进行的.
Q21,"No one is highly Ethical"
A21,At least a fool is highly ethical compared with the mistaken because he dose not know how not to be.
Since most are so deep under the sea of sins, a not-involved look as clean as an angel.
A20,理是通的,不存在东与西之别, 但有观察与阐述的角度与方法的不同.尤其,是分析与综合的方法差异。
Q19,What happens after death?
A19,As for the "afterlife", one thing is known for sure, what ever happens afterward, it will not affect this life. But what you believe will happen will affect how you behave during this life. Reincarnation is a believe, not a proved truth. But thoughts can live as long as human race can do.
A17,孔子的问题之一是没有体系,既述而不作. 导致其思想的内在逻辑性不好.甚至有投机之嫌;
Q15,Speeding is punished by chance.
A15,Speeding is taking chance rather than being punished by chance, only punished by the result.
Q12, 数学是科学吗?
Q10,Can we deny the existence of god?
A10,Reading history is a better way to understand god than reading an old book. A wrongly advertised assumption does not erase its validity. Wrongs are done in all sorts of names, not only religions. But religion played a bitter role in history, even dangerous role. But people's spirit needs guidance, restoration of belief is better than abandoning.
Q9,A ruler can also bring economic development.
A9,A ruler’s economy will only serve the ruler’s demand for fame and wealth. They keep people alive not because they love them but want to enslave them. Such a development will impoverished the majority and destroy the society in the end.
Q8,EU is a good example of world best model for country system by forming state union.
EU is baby-sitted by US in security issues and world influence like a child. Maybe they want to grow up, and I think it is a good thing to grow up. They are trying to make a big one too, That is why they try to say no to the US. if the transatlantic relationship becoming competition-relationship, efficiency and effectiveness become decisive factors, not just politically but economically, they got to gear up or fell apart again. Independence and responsibility cost a lot.
Q7,Authority is just red tape.
A7,Authority is more than red tape. We got to have some rules and someone to take care of rules. Cutting corners may lift efficiency at the beginning, but if every body tries to cut corner, there will be no corner left to cut any more.
Q6,In order to get rid of country system, the big countries should be broken into smaller ones. Like democracy, we prefer more parties from one big party.
A6,Certainly there is nothing perfect on this world, improvement is needed. I don't think this is the right direction to get rid of countries by making more smaller ones. Quite opposite, if the world has only one country, the notion of country relationship will disappear. Every thing becomes domestic. But only the most rationalized country will have the potential to achieve the one country goal by incorporating others into it through attraction, not force.
Treating a country as a party is over-simplifying the subject. A party is a organization of almost the same interest, but a country is much more than that. For example, after WWII, the US was the only superpower left, but it did not pursue a single ruling position.
Q5,Loving a country is meaningless because borders are created by human.
A5,Borders are human-created to serve human-desire. But loving a country is not completely meaningless, if the country treat you well, gives the respect as a human, it deserve the same back from you. Otherwise, If a country abuse its people by its rulers, they will receive the same back in the end. Respect is mutual. Not one way commitment.
Q4,Dose Gandhi's non-violence principle have universal implication?
A4, Fortunately he did not try his ideas to Evils like Saddam and Commie rulers. He was lucky to oppose a much civilized foe. I love peace and I will be the first to demand peace when justice is guaranteed to a great level and people are in charge, not a small number of rulers.
Q2,would you like to be God? If you have the chance to design human DNA, what properties would you like to build into or leave out the structure?
A2,Don't you think human gets a better brain simply because
they are weak physically compared with other animals, they can not run as fast
as lots of them, not big enough to fight a tiger or puma, can not climb a tree
as good as monkeys.
If human gets a body like elephant, they won't develop a human brain. (Well do
note that this is one of the conditions, not the only and sufficient one.)
Can you concentrate on thinking with very sensitive detectors or organs? Or developing new tools?
Q1,Is freedom worth that much? You fight for it and end up with too much free weight, obesity.
A1, Freedom means not forced by others to do or not to do, free to make your own decision. But How many of us can make right decisions with above ten possibilities? If we can not make the right choice, Are people fighting for the freedom of making mistakes?
Freedom is not only a mind perspective, there are objective measurements, like the range of travel. If put behind the bars, the freedom is not the same with outside.
We do not allow some freedom for children because we know they are not capable of using it correctly. Sometimes they just don't need it.
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